GaN half-bridge integrated circuits for power converters
GaN half-bridge integrated circuits for power convertors, written by marc Fossion, Paul Maynadier, Deniz Aygün, Stefaan Decoutere and Valérie Schillemans, has been published at the occasion of AMICSA 2022 Conference (9th International Workshop on Analogue and Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits for Space Applications).
First GaN Half-bridges were developed and tested in the frame of SloGaN VLAIO project. The aim was to achieve integration of high voltage & high current transistors with low voltage control & gate drive devices.
Second step is a full feature 3..8A 200V integrated GaN IC Half-bridge been developed under an ESA GSTP program. Figure 1 shows the run1 (=prototype) of IC.
As a step forward, we are looking forward to develop under the European Comission ELEGANT space project, a high current low voltage point of load converter based on GaN integrated half-bridges and new magnetic components. This PoL converter aims at delivering 75 Amp. current at low voltage output (down to 0.7V) in order to supply high complexity integrated circuits like FPGA or processors.